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Seamless Handoff API notifies integration clients using webhook callbacks. Messages follow the same schema as the inbound messasges.


A message from a participant optionally carrying additional data about the conversation.

Message Types

Escalation Accepted

The escalation was accepted and routing has begun.

Predicted Wait Time

The routing engine has predicted a wait time for the customer.

Paired to Agent

The handoff was paired to an agent.


A text message from the customer, bot, agent or sentiocx. The message from the bot can optionally contain the sentiment score detected for the customer message.

Escalation Complete

The escalation was completed with a resolution.

The resolution field semantics:

- agent_left: the interaction with the Agent has ended (the main flow) - intent_deactivated: the handoff is terminated because the intent is temporarily deactivated - intent_not_classified: the handoff is not possible because the intent is not classified in SentioCX - no_agent_found: the handoff is ended because pairing with an agent is not possible - outside_business_hours: the handoff is not possible because business hours have ended - customer_left: the conversation was ended from the customer side - resolved_by_bot: the conversation was resolved by the chatbot
Last modified: 15 March 2024