Chatbot uses the /messages endpoint to add messages to the conversation. The messages carry the actual message text, the text field, and flow control semantics through the type field.
Sends a new message to the conversation.
Request parameters
"type": "pwt",
"session": "bc29c839-46bb-42e0-b239-f98496bda100",
"id": "a01fe2b2-3125-4ec7-9c0b-fee54c219e73",
"timestamp": "2023-10-12T07:20:50.52Z",
"text": "Your estimated wait time is 2 minutes.",
"author": "agent",
"author_name": "Jane Smith",
"channel_type": "Web",
"data": {
"Predicted Wait Time": {
"pwt": 37
Message Types
Contains all the necessary information to create an escalation. A single active escalation is allowed per conversation.
A text message from the customer, bot, agent or sentiocx. The message from the bot can optionally contain the sentiment score detected for the customer message.
Resolved By Bot
The conversation was resolved by the bot. Escalation no longer necessary.
Customer Left
The customer left during the conversation.
Last modified: 15 March 2024